In the medical field, most of this stuff (i.e. My personal goal is to keep things streamlined, as concise and as clean as possible, without making things confusing or unreadable also, no periods if they can be avoided. Luckily in my job nobody really cares that much how you deal with this issue, so I can be as incorrect as I want. I have no interest in battling the style guides, and am just sticking in my (probably incorrect) 2 cents. I’m still sore about it!Ĭalif? OK, I live in….Florid? Fla? Seems to me that if you’ve already wasted 4 letters (beyond the 2-letter USPS state abbreviation), you might as well go the whole 9 yards. I made a failing grade on a United States map when I was a sixth-grader (1964) because I used an informational document from the Post Office to label the states. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:ġ4 Responses to “State Names and Abbreviations”Īck! I hate the Post Office’s two-letter state abbreviations. US and UK are frequently used as nouns in informal contexts, but the names should be spelled out except as adjectives - “the US response,” for example, or “the UK’s role” - and Chicago recommends omitting periods in these cases, as is advised for all capitalized abbreviations. Note, too, that abbreviation of country names is rare and not recommended. Other style handbooks have their own guidelines, so, if you are writing or editing for a particularly company as a staff member or a freelancer, determine which resource is considered the authority on state abbreviation. However, when giving an address, or in tables or other uses in which space is limited, use the US Postal Service’s symbol system, which consists of a two-letter abbreviation in which both letters are always capitalized and no periods are used (for example, NY for “New York”). (Note that AP style omits state names for a specified list of cities considered familiar enough that the state in which they are located need not be mentioned.) In headlines, the periods are omitted. for “New York” - with the exception of West Virginia’s abbreviation, which for some reason is rendered W.Va.

The AP style abbreviations arbitrarily range in length from two to six letters, and all two-word names are abbreviated with the initials, such as N.Y. ( Chicago also has abbreviations if you insist, but they don’t always match AP’s style.)

However, when referring to a city and the state in which it is located, although Chicago recommends retaining the spelled-out version of the state name (“San Diego, California”), AP style calls for abbreviating the state name (“San Diego, Calif.”) if it consists of more than six letters.
The Chicago Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook agree on one thing: When referring to a state on its own, spell the state name out (“California became a state in 1850”).
Details about how to refer to states follow. How should you treat references to states? The form depends on which style guide you adhere to and why the state is being referenced. State Names and Abbreviations By Mark Nichol